Finally started to get some copy online

I have been slowly writing up years of festival (partial) memories. I still haven’t finished, although I have (gradually) knocked out thousands of words. Just decided that rather than waiting until I was finished (in that this day may never arrive, with my snail pace output), to just start getting stuff online.

So I added a few paragraphs to the blog page today. Not even sure how I am going to structure this thing at the moment – I have written a chronological story of all the festivals I can remember ever attending, This has (partially) been pulled form a far longer series of books I have written about my wider misadventures though, so there is some reference in some of the tales to stuff that is not going to be mentioned on this blog, but is in the bigger book offering.

In reality, I will probably never finish the book project – I am balls-deep into volume 3 now, but have to revisit the first 2, to hammer out all the edits that I am sure are required to make them ready to eat for someone not living inside my retarded head.

So maybe just start throwing stuff up on here to say I have finally outed some of the content. I started writing the first book probably 20-years ago. I remember, in 2004, investing in some audio recognition software that took my spoken words and typed them into Word. Considering the era, it was fairly decent, so I got some 70% accurate stuff down at volume. That was 18-years ago. I still haven’t put that fucking book out, or even finished the edit. Life has been busy. What can I say?

Anyway, now is the time. I am going to try and do some work on this at least weekly, be it push something live, or work on the SEO of what is already up so some cunts can find this and appreciate the wreckage of my life in a tent.


Festival Fever is coming soon

This site is a work in progress, although you can see a lot of photos from various gigs and festivals across the pages already. Soon there will be some stories from these very same events for you to have a laugh at, too.

Like everyone else, I have missed live music so much during the pandemic, and sifting through these old photos and writing these stories has kept me sane, remembering how great live music is. I cannot wait to get back in a crowd.
